Timore-Leste was the last stop on the on-going AHP assessment. We found that it was radically different than Fiji and Vanuatu. It is one of the smallest countries in the world with one of the youngest demographics.
There were very few NGO’s and private sector entities, but found that in terms of making, there were a few workshops. Woodworking was quite advanced and even found that some of the shops made their own height boards, which are often difficult to locally source. We found that there were desalination plants and also salt making factories.
A lot of the private sector is international from China, Indonesia and other nations. We will have to find creative ways to engage with the local population so that they can benefit from our innovations.

Timor-Leste faces severe nutrition deficiencies, which is closely linked to the ongoing drought of nearly three years. We learned that the population is amongst the smallest people, due to nutritional deficiencies. Much of the countries capacity is to address this key issue opposed to investing in rapid onset of disasters. We are eager to use our innovation to address issues with water and food security.