Living with a disability can be difficult anywhere but in some parts of the world, the challenges can be especially daunting. Things that most people can take for granted - such as access to jobs - may seem like an impossibility. In Jordan, for instance, the employment rate of people with disabilities is around 0.5% to 1%, which make the life of a person with disability very difficult.
To address this concern, Field Ready has a new livelihood program for people with disabilities in partnership with the Italian NGO Un Ponte Per. Jordan is a particularly difficult country for people with disabilities. The infrastructure is rarely accessible, and the sidewalks are particularly high making it difficult for people to get around.

Field Ready is developing products to help disabled people in Jordan, examples include: ramps, removable desk for wheelchair, flip bar and handrail for bathroom, shifting board with disk and other identified items that are needed. This is done following a market analysis of what products are not available inside the country or what products are needed but are simply too expensive for people with disabilities.The demand for these items are immense, thus Field Ready will be locally manufacturing these items.
We will be creating livelihood opportunities and will be training disabled people to make these products, with our local partner the Al Hussain Society. Livelihood opportunities are a critical need in Jordan.There is a need to reinvent how we provide livelihood opportunities to people with disabilities and this project is the first step in creating more employment prospects.
This program will not only help people with disabilities to be able to get the items that they need, but also the income generation will help the wider population. We are eager to see how this project will transform lives and hope to scale it if it proves successful.