Field Ready have officially arrived in Nepal. It’s amazing to see how the Innovation Lab at World Vision has progressed in just a few short weeks since Field Ready's visit in December, when the space was nothing more than a concrete shell of dust and wires. The lab now feels transformed; it would be best described as 'Apple minimalism' meets 'Nepal artistry', a local interpretation of start-up style.
The premise of the Innovation Lab is to provide a home for charities and businesses with a humanitarian remit wishing to make their mark in Nepal. But why Nepal? The concept is that in the rebuild from a disaster, the conditions are particularly favourable for introducing disruptive and transformative innovations. The Innovation Lab is intended to be the launchpad for these innovative organisations.
It is from here that Field Ready will be reaching out to trial and test how local manufacture can provide a benefit in the recovery phase to the Nepal Earthquake, especially with regards to helping aid organisations in their activities. In the spirit of the global Maker community Field Ready feels very much a part of, a key output of the project will be an open source digital catalogue of 3D printable parts for humanitarian aid.
We would like as many engineers, designers and makers to be involved in building this as possible, so over the next few months, we will be posting a range of design challenges in response to issues we discover on the ground - please get involved by checking out our Design Challenges on Humanitarian Makers.