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The positivity challenge
Recently at Field Ready we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming new team members and having some great talks with staff who’ve been around a...
Feb 20, 20213 min read

Moving forward with medical device repair in Syria
We began our medical device repair project in Syria last year with an eye on expanding it throughout 2020. The pandemic slowed our...
Jan 15, 20213 min read

Ready for a healthcare rebuild in Syria
Nine years of conflict in Syria has created a humanitarian disaster, with millions of civilians displaced. But there is also another,...
Jul 22, 20203 min read

Combat COVID-19 where you live: Taking local to the next level
COVID-19 outbreaks are now on the downswing in many countries - but the virus is raging again in the U.S., with more than 50,000 new...
Jul 6, 20203 min read

Getting shield ready
Face shields are an important piece of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health care workers. When a person coughs, many tiny,...
Jul 2, 20202 min read

Helping to shield Chicago from COVID-19
When Jacquelyn Moore saw the devastation COVID-19 was causing in Chicago’s African American community, she put her problem-solving hat on...
May 14, 20203 min read

Shielding the Underserved in the U.S.
Frontline workers everywhere have struggled desperately to find the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to help fight COVID-19's...
May 8, 20202 min read

Beating COVID-19 in developing countries
We've been responding to the terrifying COVID-19 pandemic with efforts across the globe these past weeks, currently helping to produce...
Apr 30, 20201 min read
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