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Sometimes safety arrives in a box
This spring and summer we were privileged to deliver thousands of pieces of personal protective equipment to various Kenyan community...
Oct 13, 20222 min read

Producing PPE to keep Bangladesh safe
While most developed countries have cut back or even removed COVID-19 restrictions, the pandemic and other diseases are still very much a...
Jun 29, 20223 min read

Building a future and keeping it clean in Kakuma
Finding ways to survive as a refugee is always a challenge - and even more difficult during a pandemic. But our "Protecting The...
May 9, 20223 min read

Field Ready wins international award for Surprise Soaps
Helping kids practice good hand hygiene has won us some global recognition. Field Ready won a 2020 Honey Bee Network Creativity and...
Dec 9, 20212 min read

Training for success
Learning a new skill can be intimidating. But for 28 women in Kenya's Kakuma refugee camp in September, learning to make healthcare items...
Sep 29, 20212 min read

Delivering Dignity
Making critical items when and where people need them is what Field Ready does. People will always need medical and other devices,...
Sep 10, 20212 min read

Making a clean start
If you and your family have to flee your home, your first priorities are usually safety, water, food and shelter. But once those needs...
Aug 27, 20212 min read

Surprise Soaps: Starting small, with a big impact
Sometimes small steps - taken by the smallest people - can make a huge difference. We're hoping that's exactly what happens with our...
Jul 2, 20212 min read

Working Together to Protect the Frontline
Although some Western countries are emerging from quarantine, the pandemic rages on in much of the rest of the world where vaccines and...
Jun 10, 20213 min read

The positivity challenge
Recently at Field Ready we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming new team members and having some great talks with staff who’ve been around a...
Feb 20, 20213 min read

Combat COVID-19 where you live: Taking local to the next level
COVID-19 outbreaks are now on the downswing in many countries - but the virus is raging again in the U.S., with more than 50,000 new...
Jul 6, 20203 min read

Getting shield ready
Face shields are an important piece of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health care workers. When a person coughs, many tiny,...
Jul 2, 20202 min read

How to make 150 reusable face masks for your community
Face masks are critical in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Field Ready is working hard to produces these locally in many parts...
Jun 16, 20204 min read

Helping to shield Chicago from COVID-19
When Jacquelyn Moore saw the devastation COVID-19 was causing in Chicago’s African American community, she put her problem-solving hat on...
May 14, 20203 min read

PPE Standards: Essential Clarifications
Current recommendations for COVID-19 response outline the need for everyone to wear protection when safe social distancing can't be...
May 9, 20206 min read

Shielding the Underserved in the U.S.
Frontline workers everywhere have struggled desperately to find the personal protective equipment (PPE) needed to help fight COVID-19's...
May 8, 20202 min read

Beating COVID-19 in developing countries
We've been responding to the terrifying COVID-19 pandemic with efforts across the globe these past weeks, currently helping to produce...
Apr 30, 20201 min read

Keeping an eye on safety in Bangladesh
Although COVID-19 cases in Bangladesh are still relatively low, the country is in high preparation mode. So when officials put out a...
Apr 15, 20202 min read

Knowledge sharing during the COVID-19 response
Dealing with border closures, lockdowns or orders to shelter-in-place or stay at home have been hard for everyone while COVID-19...
Mar 28, 20202 min read
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